So I’ve been going through my many many many games and stumbled upon Guild Wars 2. I bought this game when it came out last year, played some but for some reason never managed to get really engulfed into the game. I started it up today and saw that I had missed a lot of content, a 2+GB download proved this to me, and after loading in I immediatly saw the changes they had made to the game. It feels like they upgraded the graphics a bit, they changed abilities (I made a Sylvari Ranger since I’ve been out of the game for so long I just want to start anew) and they changed the Achievement system. So far I’ve liked what I saw, especially the chests with goodies you get when attaining a certain amount of achievement points! Unlike in World of Warcraft it really feels like they want you to do things because it earns you bonuses for your characters and I like that.
Maybe I have been dumbed down by WoW, maybe I just need to spend more time on getting back into the game… I’ll let you know if I’m able to do that or not.