Parttime Project: Back to the Beginnings

When I was just a wee little gamer taking my first steps in the World of Warcraft it wasn’t on an account of my own. One of my ex-boyfriends introduced me to the game and encouraged me to make a character on his account to try out the game in the hope that we could play together. He gave me the booklet to see what races and classes there were and I set out to reading what I wanted to become.

After a long time looking through the book and then fiddling around in the character creation screen I settled for a Female Human Mage, I wanted to be able to fling spells, but not in an evil way and I liked the way Humans looked in their robes. That mage never made it past level 20 because we broke up, but I still have fond memories of running around and exploring the world of Elwynn Forest and Westfall, and also dying a lot. This was when TBC had only just launched and there was no lowered XP to get to max level, mounts were only available from level 40 and higher and clothies were slaughtered easily by any mob you would encounter if you had no idea what you were doing. I can’t remember much of the mage, I didn’t really get the chance to play her much, only that I chose Frost as specc because “omg I can summon a Water Elemental then” and the only profession I had was Tailoring because it would let me craft my own gear, which came in handy because I had absolutely no money nor help in the game.

Because I do really fondly remember that Mage, and I obviously can’t get her or those circumstances back, I decided to start a little project. I made a new Mage on a new server with no money, I changed the race from Female Human to Female Nightelf (I’m a huge Nightelf lover, they’re my favourite race in the game) but her main/levelling specc will be Frost, I’ll pick up Tailoring as first profession (not sure yet about which one I want as second) and in addition to this I’ll be levelling up a new pet team aswell.

And so I present to you: Sanelle with her trustworthy Blossoming Ancient companion. No I don’t really name my pets, maybe I’ll get round to it someday but for now I wouldn’t know how to name them in the first place.

As I said, I’m on a new server with no gold or levelling items to help myself. I have accepted a spot in a social guild to give me that 10% experience boost and because my first Mage was in a guild aswell. I’ll be reliant on my own professions and wits to make “a living” for myself on this server. Luckily for me Blizzard has implemented some things to help me gather bags etcetera faster and I will be picking them up when I can, I don’t want to be stubborn and not take the handles Blizzard have given me to ease my gaming experience. I’ve struggled through TBC when it was still hard and prefer not to relive that experience again.

How much time I’ll be spending on this project I don’t know yet but I’ll keep you updated on how it goes, might even get a character feed going if I can get my hands on a decent RSS, but you will see how my pet battle team fares as it will be displayed on the right side of my blog.

One Can Only Be So Lucky?

Sometimes I have evenings where the RNG gods smile down upon me and I seem to be able to get what I want in the vast World of Warcraft universe.

From the moment I started playing in TBC I was a collector. Pets and mounts were awesome and I wanted to have as many as I could possibly have. Even if they took up all of my bagspaces (thank you blizzard for making a pet/mount tab!!!). I paid for Epic Flying by the way of Mining on my Warrior and was so proud of myself that I could fly around on Nether Rays when I was level 70. With the introduction of the mount and pet tabs, and me having too much free time, collecting as many mounts and pets as I could became an obsession for me. The character I did this on was my Warrior since she had been my main throughout most of TBC and had already the biggest collection of mounts and pets available. Right before Mists of Pandaria, and with it the new mounts and Battle pets system, hit I was 4th or 5th on my realm (Dragonblight) when it came to collecting pets. The only pets I missed were two of the dragonlings, red and green, the Crawling Claw and the Firefly.
Around the same time I had one of my RNG lucky evenings with seeing an Eye of Sulfuras, Ashes of Al’ar and the offhand Glaive drop. Since I already had made Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros I passed on the Eye so it could go to my significant other, but I did win Ashes and the Glaive that night.

Fast forward to June 28th. I decided to do one more pet run with my significant other for the two pets that I still missed for my “Raiding with Leashes” achievement. They both dropped. Feeling lucky I abandoned my running mate to clear Karazhan and to my big astonishment I saw the reins of the Fiery Warhorse drop. I think I blew out my partner’s eardrums on Skype with the scream I did, but boy was I happy!

And now, more or less one month later I had RNG on my side again and managed to finish off “Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition” bringing me to a total of 284 pets.
This has given me the push to pick up pet and mount hunting again, I’m levelling a Blood DK to level 90 so I can start solofarming Dino Island, and maybe more. Currently I can still get many many pets, but I think I’ll start of with the Safari Achievements and take it from there and see…

If you’re curious as to what other rare mounts and/or pets I have collected, you can click the armory link on the right side of my page to see my Paladin and the mounts/pets I have on her and also the Feat of Strength mounts/pets I have, which are quite plentiful. For now I’m off to pet hunt again!

The Why and How of Aeternus Gaming

Hey everyone and welcome to my blog. In this first post I’d like to explain the choice of name and a little bit about me and my gaming history.

First off: Why Aeternus Gaming? Well Aeternus is the WoW guild that I have called my home for the past 2 years, I’m an officer there (and kind of co-GM) and most of my characters call this guild their home. I’ve met my significant other in this guild and made many many friends besides that and I don’t really think I could call anywhere home but there right now (although I do make some side-trips to other servers here and there).
So in honor of my guild, this blogged is named Aeternus Gaming.

Now a little bit about me. I’ve started my gaming career quite early on like any kid of my generation. You either had a Nintendo (NES or SNES), Playstation or in my case Sega Mega drive when you were growing up and it was the time that the first few computergames were introduced. I look back fondly on those times where I would play Disney games untill my thumbs hurt on my Sega only to switch to play some Sims or Rollercoaster Tycoon on my computer. For the long travels I frequently had, big family living far away and such, my parents got me a Gameboy Pocket with some games and that has made me fall in love with handhelds untill this day. They’re nice and easy to carry along with you and I find it very comforting to just pick my Nintendo 3DS and sit somewhere in a corner and get sucked up into a world for a few hours.

More recently my main addiction when it comes to games has been World of Warcraft. I started to play the game in July 2007 and have only taken one big break during my entire career on WoW and this was when Diablo III came out. It was at the end of the Cataclysm expansion, Aeternus as guild had ceased the raiding and a large group of us had acces to Diablo due to the Annual Pass Blizzard had thought up. From July 2007 to July present I have played many characters as main, sometimes I would switch because of Guild interests, sometimes because I felt like I wanted to play a different character than I was currently playing. The only character that has been constantly with me throughout my travels is my warrior Sandrian. She was the first character I made on my account and will probably always be my off and on main. Right now however I find the most enjoyment in playing my Paladin Fiorentin, hence I show her achievements on this blog since it’s the character I’m playing the most.

Next to World of Warcraft I’ve been known to try out other games every now and then. Some games stick more than others but I’m always up for trying something new. This has led me to the realm of having too many games to play and too little time to play them unfortunately. Right now my main focus is World of Warcraft with League of Legends on the side but other games I play are Assassin’s Creed III, Tomb Raider, Civilization V, Dust: An Elysian Tale, Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS), The Sims 3 and numerous games on my iPhone (unfortunately I have to admit that I’m quite addicted to Candy Crush Saga). With this list of games, knowing that I’m by far not done with them all, there aren’t many new games coming out that draw my eye. Some games I have set aside temporarily because I have played them too much and feel like there’s not much I can do in the game itself (Diablo III being an example of this) or because I’m in a state of mind that the game itself can get very stressful and not fun to play anymore (Battlefield 3 is an example of this, I’ve managed Captain rank but no more than that).

When I don’t game I enjoy some time to myself to read (currently making my way through The Song of Ice and Fire, I’m in book 4: A Feast for Crows) and watching League of Legends streams, especially the LCS (League Championship Series). Next to that I work and study, like hanging out with my friends and workout during the weekends: aka a very normal life for a not so very normal girl, or so society says.

Anyway, you’ll be reading of my adventures in (mostly) World of Warcraft on this blog but I won’t hesitate to post about some other games that I play either. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it…