It’s been a while I know. I’ve been busy and then the blogging get’s chucked to the background unfortunately.
I haven’t sat still during the time I wasn’t posting. I’ve been playing Diablo and Final Fantasy 14 a lot, and finally found a nice static raidgroup for the latter.
We’ve tackled turn 5 of the Binding Coil of Bahamut and are now struggling our way through turn 6. I also picked up my lovely ilvl 100 Soldiery Chest, that doesn’t look to bad from the front…
But rather horrible from the back… Really SE? What were you thinking when designing this!
I was very very excited to finally get Twintania down with my new group though. We had been struggling for a while, our tank kept dying, and at some point we had to make a decision to either replace the tank or one of our healers. Luckily for us, and unfortunately for him, the healer we wanted to replace decided to announce that he would retire from the game due to lack of fun. We got a new healer in, an amazing Scholar, and downed Twintania, and turn 5, in less than an hour of trying. So happy faces all around!
I’m trying to take more screenshots of my adventures in FF14 so expect a bit more picture posts from me. I’ll take a screenie next time we enter Turn 6 so you can see the horror that is Rafflesia. But I’m also planning a little scenery post because gosh, even after playing for almost 10 months the scenery in FF14 still impresses me.
On another topic, I’m probably getting a 7 day trial pass through Wabby for Wildstar. I’ve been very undecided if I actually want to play the game and this is the perfect mid ground. I can try it out for 7 days and then decide if I’m getting it or not. Win/win no?
Expect a few more posts coming from me soon! For now I just wanted to let everyone know I’m still alive and kicking…