So there is a little community event going about the 10 years of World of Warcraft, started by Alt:ertnative Chat
Nostalgia is worth quite a bit of currency for Blizzard, as we’ve seen from Thursday’s announcements concerning the 10th Anniversary celebrations. As I prepare to take a break from actual Podcasting I’m not stopping the process however, anything but. In fact, part of the reason for taking a break is so I can start preparing for a project that I’ve been planing for a while now, and which I think it’s high time to share with you guys and at the same time ask you for help. My forte has always been sound, and as a result I’ve decided to launch a Project which is nothing at all to do with me and absolutely EVERYTHING to do with you, and the memories you have of World of Warcraft over the last 10 years.
Hence the 10 YEARS :: 10 QUESTIONS project was born, and I need your help to make it a reality.
What’s this all about, I hear you ask? Well, it is very simple: I want to ask AS MANY PLAYERS AS I CAN FIND the same ten questions about their time in Warcraft. The more responses I get, the easier it will be to build a balanced and comprehensive picture of what matters to players after a decade: what they remember, what Warcraft has given them as an experience and most importantly the legacy of the game for players as we move into the NEXT ten years of Warcraft’s life. That means getting the word out everywhere: social media, other sites, and I’m not just looking for current players either. I’m attempting to contact ex-players too for their responses because this isn’t just about the people who remain, I grasp that those who have left have as much to say on this as the existing playerbase.
Here is my entry…
1. Why did you start playing World of Warcraft?
Well, my ex-boyfriend at the time was playing it and got me curious, since he knew I liked games. I made a character on his account in March 2007 and have been playing on and off ever since. Right now I’m at an extended break untill patch 6.0 hits.
2. What was the first ever character you rolled?
My first ever character was one on the account of said ex-boyfriend. After doing some research, and after him telling me not to make a Night Elf druid because he had one, I settled for a Female Human Mage. I figured it would be fun to sling spells everywhere. That character has unfortunately been lost because we broke up.
My first character ever rolled on my own account was a Female Human Warrior and she still exists on my account till this day only she is now a Female Night Elf who hasn’t been logged for a while as you can see.
3. Which factor determined your faction choice in game?
Well, I’m not sure actually. I rolled Alliance at first because well, that’s what I got introduced to. I didn’t roll a Horde untill Wrath of the Lich King where you could have both factions on the same (PvP) server. After that I’ve played both factions but have always preferred Alliance because of Nightelves and Draenei. The Horde characters that I do still play are Bloodelves and a Panda. I like prettiness when I have to look at my characters and most of the Horde races just don’t fit that standard for me.
4. What has been your most memorable moment in Warcraft and why?
I have to say the first time I entered Serpentshrine Caverns with a full 25 man group here. It was the first time I had ever done content harder than Karazhan and I was very very impressed by how it all went. My computer was absolute balls at the time so on Morogrim Tidewalker I was literally stuck for a minute when the murlocs spawned but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.
5. What is your favourite aspect of the game and has this always been the case?
This is a tough one to answer. I am a collector in general so when achievements got implemented it was a very good day for me. I also still like to collect mounts but have dropped the collecting pets a little. The reason for that is mostly because I am not a huge fan of Wowkemon. I had almost all pets available ingame before the introduction of Wowkemon and suddenly found myself lagging behind on other collectors after the introduction. It’s then that the enjoyment of the pet collection lost it’s shine for me.
6. Do you have an area that you always return to?
One of my favourite area’s in game was Azshara, pre-Cataclysm. It had a wild feel to it with lots of secrets and mysteries. Whatever did happen to Timbermaw Hold? And the dialogue with the ghostly dragon there, if you were on the quest, was amazing. Sadly they remade the zone for Cataclysm and so I can never really return. I think if I have to pick an area where I would rest my character when the servers go offline for the last time it would probably be Nagrand. So green and peaceful.
7. How long have you /played and has it been continuous?
Seeing as I don’t have gametime at the moment I can’t really check, but assume that my playtime has been pretty long across all my characters, with my Warrior having the longest.
It has not been continuous. I have taken several breaks, starting with when Diablo III came out but also a few months after MoP release and again now.
8. Admit it, do you read quest text or not?
Yes and no. I try to read all the quest text the very first time I level/play through an area. I like lore and want to know what’s going on. Every character that follows after I don’t read anymore.
9. Are there any regrets from your time ingame?
Too many to name here. They come down to a few basic things.
I mostly regret not being able to pick a main character and stick to it. The only character I have played continuously throughout my 7 years on WoW is my warrior, but I have main switched more than I can justify. I see the same happening in other games now, I guess I’m not really cut out to just pick something and stick to it.
My other regret is letting my choices be influenced by my SO who I was playing with at the time. It led me to abandon a marvelous guild and my hunter who I loved so much back then. After that I decided not to move or do anything if I didn’t wanted to myself.
10. What effect has Warcraft had on your life outside of gaming?
Hmm. Well it has found me friends and more. I found one of my exes on the game and we were together for 3 years.
Other than that it has been my escape from a troubled home situation for a long time. Although I’d like to say it didn’t influence my school/studies, it did. I did manage to finish high school, a bachelor’s and a master’s degree, just a bit slower than I should have.
I never let the game get in the way of my social life though but there was a time where I considered myself to be addicted, especially during TBC and WotLK where I would play for many hours where I should have been studying.
So yeah this was my take on the 10 years, 10 questions. I hope you enjoyed the read 🙂