Opinions Opinions

Although I consider myself to be a gamer I’m not really into the gaming culture. I don’t own every game in existence, I don’t feel the need to discuss in’s and out’s of games and I don’t really know many people who game outside of the people I actually game with.

I follow a few people on Twitter and got a whim of “Gamergate”. Something I decided to stay well away from even though apparently I should be interested because I’m a girl.
I also unfollowed a few people on Twitter because of this whole thing. Sexism is one thing I’m more or less used to on MMO’s by now, but the new wave of feminism is something entirely different. I have seen/experienced many statements now that made me shiver. New wave feminism doesn’t have anything to do with equality anymore, it’s just sexism against men now and that is scary.
Not only that, but people who call themselves “feminists” now seem to have an attitude that if you don’t agree with them, you’re trash. Even if you’re a woman.

You’re either with them or against them. There is no middle ground. And here is where it starts to get disturbing. This has nothing to do with “feminism” anymore. This looks more like terrorist groups like we’re seeing emerge in the Middle East. If you’re not with them, you’re against them and they will shoot you.
Although these extreme feminists haven’t actually physically harmed someone, they can be found verbally abusing/harrassing many women/men for disagreeing with their view of the world. I don’t even want to mention how far they go in their insults, but it get’s pretty extreme.

I know that inequality is still an issue in the world. Men and women aren’t equal on many fronts. But I refuse to let this dictate my life. I get that there are women who are fighting for equal opportunities/rights for all and I support that, but living in a modern, Western, country I feel like a lot of the battle has already been fought.

There’s only a few male bastions left and one of them happens to be gaming. Personally I know that when I make myself known as female on an MMO I will get harassed by a few men. It’s something I’ve gotten used to and that I’ve learned to dismiss. There are however many women who feel like they should be totally accepted into a mostly male world without any fuss or issues. Newsflash: that’s not how it works. Getting angry about this won’t help either. It took many many years before women were fully accepted into the workforce, a change like this won’t happen in a few days or years.
There are however a lot of men online who are nice and completely accepting of girls in their little gaming world, who think women are equal and have just as much rights to play as they do. These are not “white knights” but just normal men where you can have normal interactions with. And I feel like they are mostly the victims of the new wave feminists.

In short, because I’m losing coherence, I feel like the new wave feminists destroy more than they accomplish, I unfollowed a few ladies on Twitter because of this (yes ladies, you aren’t infallible, you can’t just say anything and get away with it because you’re “feminist”) and I feel like extreme people like that should keep their nose out of the gaming world.

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