When WoD launched I swore to myself that I would stick to one character this expansion. That I wouldn’t alt too much and that I certainly wouldn’t spend more time than necessary on the game.
Yeah… How wrong I was…
I have alted a bit this expansion. I have 4 characters sitting on level 100. My Priest, who is my raiding main, my Paladin and my Warrior on Alliance side and a Monk on Horde side. Then there are various characters between level 90 and 94, mostly for profession purposes.
I have sunk a lot of time in the game already. Especially on my Priest. Making sure I had the best stuff for raiding, gearing up myself and my followers. Doing all quests there were. Doing achievements now that I’ve done those and, ofcourse, raid two nights a week. Which can get pretty hilarious when you claim to be a divine priest and thus get all sorts of beams stacked on you right before pulling a new boss…
Anyway, the Priest has been a huge timesink. I resorted to just do everything on her, instead of charhopping but I found myself getting easily bored. And then the altoholic inside of me started to whine. And whine. And whine.
It’s really really hard to stick to one character when your natural tendency is to hop and play whatever you like. So to compromise, and to satisfy my friends who play Horde side and have been bugging me forever to get a Horde char to lvl 100, I decided to get a second raiding main. And so I proudly present to you my Monk: Applebloom. Rocking the Hearthsteed which I finally managed to unlock last week! I’ve joined a small Horde guild on her that raids on Friday and Sunday evenings, which is perfect since I raid on Mondays and Tuesdays on the Priest.
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Oh… And I got the Heirloom mount! |