Saving the Universe

Yesterday I finally managed to upgrade my Ninja relic to the second stage of the Anima chain. Now they’re pretty and glowy and purple and I’m super happy with them. It also helps that they went from an item level of 170 to 200, boosting my overall itemlevel from 200 to 205. I might even be brave enough to stick my nose into the new Alexander content.
I’m really feeling the FFXIV vibe again, chasing achievements on my Botanist and Weaver and getting back on track with the Anima Relic quest on my Ninja. I’ve been selling some stuff on the market board aswell, pushing up my total gil to 3 million. In turn this allows me to buy the crafted items I need to further upgrade my Relic. A real win/win situation overall.
Together with poking about in achievements I also really want to continue leveling the few battle jobs I still have sitting below 50. Monk and Machinist are the first on my list and my goal for the rest of April will be to get the Monk to 35 atleast and the Machinist as close to 35 as possible. Which basically leaves me with 8 days to accomplish that. Due to them sharing a gearset I decided to level them in tandem, so I would only have to buy the gear upgrades once, and then discard them forever.

Wacky Guns Galore!
Wednesday I finally got to pick up Ratchet and Clank, as it didn’t release in Europe until April 20th. I have been very excited for this game for a very very long time. In my opinion the Playstation 4 really lacks good platformers. Although I personally enjoyed Knack a lot, and it’s the only game I truly finished so far, I know the console was really yearning for a high quality platform game. And boy does Ratchet and Clank deliver.
I’ve worked my way through the first two worlds now, trying to complete all the missions along the way and picked up a nice collection of guns already. There’s the flamethrower as shown above, I have a gravity type bomb gun, a regular gun and a grenade thrower. I need to discover the Bouncer gun I got especially from pre-ordering the game still… I was a bit slow with entering the code in PSN.
Knowing the game series, but never really having played it, makes this game enormously entertaining for me. The humour is great, the gameplay is fantastic and the difficulty level is cool. I just started it on “normal” difficulty and have been figuring stuff out along the way. The game sort of has a mini tutorial but you’re on your own when deciding what weapon works best on what creature.
So far I’ve noticed the small gun is great for small mobs, the flamethrower is cool for groups that come storming at you and the grenades should be tossed at big mobs and ships. Atleast I was skilled enough to rescue the Mayor of a small town!

So yeah. I have a pretty busy schedule this coming weekend and week. Next to working for 4 days and celebrating Kingsday I will be mostly found on my PS4 putting my time in either FFXIV or Ratchet and Clank… And I’m not regretting that one bit.