Today was the day Battle for Azeroth launched. I tried getting into the server around midnight when it launched for us EU folk but I couldn’t. I gave up around 00.30 and just went to bed. I got up around 8, encountered more server issues and finally managed to get started around 9 in the morning. In theory I was planning to roll my Paladin. But with all the server issues going on I decided to play my Rogue instead seeing as that server seemed to be much more stable. I’ve not regretted my choice one bit.
As starting zone I chose Drustvar. And boy was I in for a treat. I don’t want to spoil too much but the whole atmosphere of the zone was amazing and I’ve tried to discover every nook and cranny. I managed to track down and kill every rare encounter in the zone, earning me an achievement. I’ve done all the available quests and I’ve explored the entire zone. With a dungeon at the end I completed the questline as a whole and can honestly say I really enjoyed my first day of BfA play!

Even though we had the usual launch shenanigans I managed to play for the biggest part of the day and I log off being level 115 on my Rogue. I’m not really sure how everything works yet. I’m leveling up my Heart of Azeroth necklace and I’m picking traits in my Azerite armor. So far it looks like you want to have multiple pieces of one slot so you can itemize them according to all your specializations and I’m sure PvP itemizes differently than PvE. I’m also sure there will be guides soon about which Azerite armour piece gives the best traits and what to look for and pick. I’m currently rocking a chest or headpiece (I don’t remember which one) that gives me a haste boost when I use Adrenaline Rush on my Rogue and it’s amazing. I’m really digging playing the Outlaw specialization right now as it proves to be nice for leveling but also decent for dungeons. Blade Flurry + Killing Spree is definitely somewhat overpowered on packs right now.
My next zone will be Tirisgarde Sound. Seeing as I took all day just to get through Drustvar I expect not to be done with this subzone in one measly evening. I do think I will ding 120 before being done with all the zones, but the same was true for Legion. It won’t stop me finishing it all off and tackling as much content as I can while doing so. I hope to make it to level 120 around the weekend, because we all know the REAL game starts at max level…