November Goals?

I realized that I’ve basically already written a bit of a masterplan of goals for the rest of my year so I was unsure if I really wanted to write a November goals post. But maybe I should, because it will explain a lot of things that happened in October and why I’ve made the shift to FFXIV.

Normally I’d take a look back at my goals of October and how much I’ve actually done of them, but I’ve failed all of them so miserably that I’m not going to bother.
At the start of October I was still heavily invested in WoW. I’d found a raid group to run with and had tons of banter with friends. However I noticed that my general interest in the game was already starting to wane. I’ve made no attempts to finish up storylines on my Paladin on Horde side, because I really wasn’t interested in the stories. World Quests were beginning to feel like a chore and the raiding as Retribution slowly got to me (I don’t enjoy the spec). One of my best friends announced halfway through the month that he would let his subscription lapse and another one followed suit last week. This has only reinforced my own drifting away from the World of Warcraft. I’ve bought a six month sub and I’m definitely going to keep it running if I feel the need to play more but for now WoW is going to take a permanent backseat as I focus back onto Final Fantasy XIV.

Next to this I’ve been in a gaming funk in general. I do enjoy running stuff in FFXIV because it’s low effort and I can do most of it without thinking plus a few of my friends are more active over there again so I have people to chat with. For the past two days however I’ve simply just been so tired that I had no energy to log into any game at all. I’ve been going through some crazy changes at work, which will still linger for a few weeks, so going to bed early has been a priority over any nightly entertainment. This is also the reason I’m not really wanting to commit to any goals besides pushing up jobs in FFXIV this month. Real life is just getting a bit too crazy and I really need more hours of sleep because of it.

I am wanting to post more progress updates, and more blogposts in general, so look forward to those instead of a static list of goals for this month.

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