The Zodiac Journey Ends

Yesterday morning I was finally able to complete the last few Mahatma’s I needed for my Zodiac Zeta Dragoon Weapon. Granted they have nerfed the quest of this weapon by quite a bit. But I’m still superhappy about the end result!

My lovely lady with her Zeta!

All in all it has been a great journey and I hope the new Relic Weapon will be just as awesome.

Blade and Soul: First Impressions

Sandrianne, the Force masterIntroductions need to be made! I installed and started to play Blade and Soul yesterday. I made two characters over on the Hao District server.. Which was one of the recommended ones at the time. As I log in today there is an 800 people queue and I more or less gave up on logging in at all. Mostly because dinner is due to arrive at any minute, but also because I really don’t want to wait that long to get into the game at the moment.

Anyway, the moment I started looking at this game I fell in love with two races. The Lyn and the Yun. I made a Yun Blademaster at first, but didn’t like how she turned out so she is pending to be deleted. On my second character creation try I made this cute little Lyn Forcemaster and am absolutely loving her. It’s probably the least sexualized race in the game, which also helps. I guess Korean gaming standards are a bit different than the ones we have in the west… Because man, bouncy boobs everywhere! Also seriously out of proportion characters. It’s a bit wacky to see here and there, but I guess everyone is happy with this.

First Glances
My initial impression of the character creator is very good. There’s lots of options and you can really customize your character a lot. I think you can easily spend an hour or two tweaking away untill you have the perfect representation of you. I don’t really have the patience for this so I stuck to changing mostly the coulors, bodytype and ears/tail etc. I’m a bit sad you can’t change ear/tail colour on Lyn to match the haircolour, I hope they change this in the future.

After making my character I was able to immediatly hop into a server to play. The combat strongly reminds me of Neverwinter, which I spent about an hour playing before I gave up. It’s much more dynamic than I remember Neverwinter to be though, so that’s a very good thing. I have to say, it really takes some getting used to the mouse essentially being a fixed point on your screen. It changes the entire way the MMO plays, but not necessarily in a bad way. I got used to it really fast anyway and am taking down enemies and talking to people without any issues at all.

I haven’t played enough to really grasp the atmosphere of the game well, although the NPC’s so far are quite cliché. Also the amount of ridiculously big bouncy boobies or, for the men, overly muscular dudes is kind of annoying. I couldn’t stand looking at one myself, hence I opted to create a Lyn. Graphics wise I’m pretty sure my PC doesn’t do the game justice. I’m sure it can look much prettier than it actually does with my PC, although even for me it doesn’t look that bad and I seem to have no major FPS drops.

The Queue Thing
The one major downside to this game is that the queue times are seriously ridiculous. Even on a low pop server like Hao District (or well it was when I made my character) I was faced with an 800+ people queue during primetime. I can only imagine the already highly populated servers being much worse. Today NCSoft announced they are adding more servers to lighten the queue load, but honestly the two that the EU region has gotten is not nearly enough. I hope this doesn’t cause people to stop playing, because this game has it to actually be a decent MMO.

Final Verdict (for now)
A fun and different MMO to stick your nose into. The character creator is awesome, the gameplay is different but not bad. If you’re into KungFu and like the Korean MMO style this is definately something to consider playing, especially with it being F2P.
The only major downside I see for now is the annoying queue times, I will probably do a follow up on this post after I’ve been able to play more and can say more about the content itself.

Welcome To The Show!

Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new website!

I’ve spent quite some time fiddling around with my blog, and I’m not quite done yet… But I finally found the right plugin that would transfer over all the content from my Blogger blog. So there’s that. I’m still fiddling around with my theme and widgets. I’m superhappy I can finally use the Warcraft one, although it hasn’t been updated in ages… As the rest of the week passes I think I will add more stuff to my blog, especially to the sidebar. Keep an eye out for my social media buttons, I will be way more active on Twitter and Instagram aswell as getting active again on Anook and maybe

The makings of a new Exarch!

The makings of a new Exarch!

Warrior Times
I’ve been poking my nose into WoW quite actively again for the last few weeks, mostly focussing on Sandrian, the Warrior. I’ve had a ton of quests still lying around, so I’m slowly working my way through them. I finished off the Garisson Campaign quests for Tanaan and am currently working my way through the original questline for that aswell. I helped Yrel become an Exarch this morning. I forgot about that little quest and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed doing it again. Blizzard has made some awesome lore bits and pieces in this expansion… Too bad it didn’t save the expansion as a whole.
For now the plans remain to finish off the quests I still have and start working towards completing achievements. I’m also almost on the final stage of my Legendary Ring, so it would be a shame not to push for that either.
All in all I seem to be able to play casually and still have some fun while doing so. My guild has ceased raiding after they killed Archimonde HC again on monday evening, people couldn’t be bothered to show up anymore, myself included. The only thing I would still like to do that is raiding related is to get the raiding achievements done. I hope I can find or make a PuG for this myself, but that’s something to worry about later.

Toes and FFXIV Woes
As I’m writing this my toe is actually healing quite well. I got to take the bandage off last night, and even though it was partly stuck which caused my wound to reopen a bit again… It’s been healing up nicely. I barely have pain at all anymore, except when I try to walk on it like I would do normally. It looks like when I just stay clear of putting pressure on my foot I’m mostly fine, so that’s what I’m doing. I have a “pajama vacation” and am just sitting around in my pajama’s and a bath robe, gaming all day. It’s a really nice break from work, although being sick means I won’t get paid for this week… Which does kind of suck.
In FFXIV I feel like I’ve been hitting a bit of a brick wall. I’ve been farming hard for my Dragoon Zeta yesterday afternoon and am now on 4/12 Mahatma’s completed. It’s not really a hard grind, it just requires some patience… Which I obviously don’t have. If I can focus enough I do about 2 Mahatma’s per hour, which means I have 4 hours of farming to go still. I really want to finish it off this week, and if I can just motivate myself to keep on running Garuda and Shiva HM I’m sure I’ll get it done in no time. It’s just the motivating part that’s hard… I’m not having an easy time just getting absorbed by the game anymore, like I used to, and although I have a huge list of things I want to achieve… Actually doing all of that has become much more of a chore than I thought it would be. I’m still determined to see it through though. I just need to get out of this little slump I’ve been finding myself in after I dinged my Ninja 60…

As far as my new website goes. If you have any feedback, please tell me! So far I’m happy with the theme since it’s quite clean. I just need to decide on a proper background picture to go with it… And most likely look at a new header picture.
This also means that my old Blogspot address will no longer get updated with posts! So if you have me in your RSS feed, change it to this website, or you will be left wondering why I won’t be updating my blog anymore.