Saving the Universe

Yesterday I finally managed to upgrade my Ninja relic to the second stage of the Anima chain. Now they’re pretty and glowy and purple and I’m super happy with them. It also helps that they went from an item level of 170 to 200, boosting my overall itemlevel from 200 to 205. I might even be brave enough to stick my nose into the new Alexander content.
I’m really feeling the FFXIV vibe again, chasing achievements on my Botanist and Weaver and getting back on track with the Anima Relic quest on my Ninja. I’ve been selling some stuff on the market board aswell, pushing up my total gil to 3 million. In turn this allows me to buy the crafted items I need to further upgrade my Relic. A real win/win situation overall.
Together with poking about in achievements I also really want to continue leveling the few battle jobs I still have sitting below 50. Monk and Machinist are the first on my list and my goal for the rest of April will be to get the Monk to 35 atleast and the Machinist as close to 35 as possible. Which basically leaves me with 8 days to accomplish that. Due to them sharing a gearset I decided to level them in tandem, so I would only have to buy the gear upgrades once, and then discard them forever.

Wacky Guns Galore!
Wednesday I finally got to pick up Ratchet and Clank, as it didn’t release in Europe until April 20th. I have been very excited for this game for a very very long time. In my opinion the Playstation 4 really lacks good platformers. Although I personally enjoyed Knack a lot, and it’s the only game I truly finished so far, I know the console was really yearning for a high quality platform game. And boy does Ratchet and Clank deliver.
I’ve worked my way through the first two worlds now, trying to complete all the missions along the way and picked up a nice collection of guns already. There’s the flamethrower as shown above, I have a gravity type bomb gun, a regular gun and a grenade thrower. I need to discover the Bouncer gun I got especially from pre-ordering the game still… I was a bit slow with entering the code in PSN.
Knowing the game series, but never really having played it, makes this game enormously entertaining for me. The humour is great, the gameplay is fantastic and the difficulty level is cool. I just started it on “normal” difficulty and have been figuring stuff out along the way. The game sort of has a mini tutorial but you’re on your own when deciding what weapon works best on what creature.
So far I’ve noticed the small gun is great for small mobs, the flamethrower is cool for groups that come storming at you and the grenades should be tossed at big mobs and ships. Atleast I was skilled enough to rescue the Mayor of a small town!

So yeah. I have a pretty busy schedule this coming weekend and week. Next to working for 4 days and celebrating Kingsday I will be mostly found on my PS4 putting my time in either FFXIV or Ratchet and Clank… And I’m not regretting that one bit.

Dietary Restrictions and PS4 Time

Last few weeks I’ve been slightly pigging out when it comes to food. March is a ridiculous month when it comes to birthdays so every weekend I was stuffing my face with all types of snacks, crisps, cake and other shit. Obviously this is bad when you’re trying to lose weight, so I’m putting myself back on some dietary restrictions. Trying to eat healthier (get some fruit instead of candy) and just eating less in general. I’m aiming for eating around 1200-1400 calories a day, mostly because 1200 is the minimum amount you  need to eat to keep on feeling healthy, and I don’t want my body to go into starvation mode.
Next to dietary restrictions I’m also trying to set some rules on my money spending habits. I’ve been spending a LOT of money on my new Wii U and getting games for it… So I should lay low for a while and stop spending. I’ve given myself a budget of €100 to spend each month on games and/or make-up. Seeing as Ratchet and Clank comes out in a few weeks that’s already some bucks gone, so I really need to think about what I want to buy next to that.

Seeing as it’s Easter, and I managed to get 5 days of free time due to lucky scheduling, I’ve been spending a lot of time just playing games. I can finally sit down for a longer time and get stuff done, instead of getting 2-3 hours of playtime in on a weekday where you can barely do a dungeon or mission in a game and then you need to start watching the clock to log off. I’ve also taken the opportunity to binge watch my way through Daredevil season 2 (which I loved) and start watching Jessica Jones (which I don’t nearly love as much). All in all I’m really using this elongated weekend to relax, play and get some “me” time in.

Sandrian Noble 19/03/2016 13:59:22

PS4 Shenaningans
I’ve been spending a lot of time playing on my PS4 in various games. Mostly FFXIV and The Division and I’ve been making some steady progress in both games.
In FFXIV I finally managed to get my hands on the Vath flying mount and oh my god it’s adorable. I really like the didgeridoo type of sound when it makes as I’m flying everywhere and it just reminds me of a really weird seahorse.
The Vath itself have been a silly but cute beasttribe. It reminded me in many ways of the Borg in Star Trek, and Square Enix did it’s best to incorporate some clear references to them aswell. I’m kind of sad that the Vath and Vanu Vanu appear to be the only beast tribes for this expansion, although you never know with Square Enix and maybe they will let us rank up with the Moogles aswell? Who knows.

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Division seems to be the hot game of the moment right now and ofcourse I couldn’t stay behind in playing it. Although I might not be as fast as most people playing, I’ve been making some steady progress. I really love roaming around in New York discovering stuff. I like taking my time and going into buildings and alleys and collecting all the random little lore bits, instead of just rushing ahead through the story without giving other things a second look.
I’m currently level 15 and roaming around in the Clinton District. I won’t deny that due to the nature of the game I’ve almost thrown my controller through the room in frustration multiple times. Shooters aren’t really my main genre and even if this is a more tactical one, I die a lot and am pretty bad in weapon handling.

The only real downside to Division for me seems to be the female character creator and the fact that lady characters absolutely look godawful if you give them a headpiece to wear. I’m really disappointed about this. Although Ubisoft clearly tried to attract a wider audience with this game, I wish they would actually not just give us variations of butch lesbian haircuts to choose from. Not to mention the seriously weird ass options you have for Caucasian female faces.


Going with the Flow

Ever since I started work in November my life has been messed up quite a lot. Going from having all the time in the world, to suddenly having to plan what I do with my time has been rough on me. And the moment I finally get used to my normal work schedule, I get asked to work extra. Which not only totally messes up my normal routine, but also makes me very very tired, leaving me to just go to bed after dinner and a shower rather than staying up and game.
The past two or three weeks have been absolutely insane for me, working a lot of hours and having my weekends booked with all types of activities, including a company party. But after sleeping for about 9 hours last night I finally feel refreshed enough to sit down and write something on here again.

So what have I been up to then?
I have been gaming over the last few weeks. Mostly focusing my time on FFXIV and The Division. I never thought I would pick up the Division, shooters aren’t really my genre, but I’m very happy that I did. I absolutely love the tactical gameplay. I love that taking cover is a huge thing in firefights. And I love the exploration and RPG part of the game.
My entire experience with the Division has been positive so far, with only one tiny thing that I was unhappy with: female character customization. To be blunt, if I want a Caucasian female look I end up with a character with a seriously weird face that can’t even have longer hair than a tiny ponytail. I like the fact that I can play as a woman though, I just wish they were designed better.

In FFXIV I’ve mostly been trying to get Lore cap and work on my relic. I’m a bit burnt out on levelling, so it’s nice to focus on something else for a bit. It’s also very relaxing to know you only really have to do ex-roulette as you log on and then can do random silly things instead of hardcore levelling or raiding.

Other interests
I’ve finally finished off season 3 of Hannibal and am now officially done with the show. It’s been a long ride and I have loved every minute of it. You can see the makers clearly intended for another season, as there is an extra scene after the end credits of the last episode that makes the ending very open. Alas NBC ended the contract and I fear we will never see a season 4 of Hannibal.
I have also resubbed to Netflix and am now devouring Daredevil. Currently on episode 9 of season 1, I should be finished on time for season 2. I really love the dark grittiness of the show, and my word the guy who plays Daredevil is hot. I will definately watch season 2 as soon as it’s out and after that I will probably turn my attention to Jessica Jones.

Something else I’ve gotten really into lately is make-up and beauty products. Working in an environment full of women some things rub off on you eventually and I notice I really like fiddling around with how I look. So over the past week I’ve really been investing into quality make-up products (brands like OPI, Clinique and MAC) that will last me a while, instead of the €3 lipsticks I’ve been buying up untill now. I’m still a rookie when it comes to a lot of things, I can’t contour my face for the life of me, but I enjoy picking out lipsticks and nailpolish for the day and week and just take a few minutes to make myself look pretty.
It really cuts into my budget though. A “prestige” brand will charge easily over €20 for a single lipstick, but seeing as it will last you a very long time and it just looks good AND doesn’t dry out my lips like cheaper brands do I feel like it’s a solid investment. Not to mention it makes me look much more professional at work.

So what is next?
For the time being I’m just going with the flow of things. When I’m tired I turn away from games and towards Netflix. I’ll try to blog a bit more regularly and will probably blog a bit more about my other interests besides gaming aswell… Although that will always be my main subject.
Seeing as March is a seriously busy month for me I really need to get my sleep schedule in order aswell, because coming home extremely tired every night is seriously sucky and not something I plan on doing for the weeks to come.

Helping the Ehcatl Nine and More Beast Tribe Silliness

After my recent levelling spree, I decided to turn my attention to the last “A Realm Reborn” beast tribe I needed to get max rank reputatin with: The Ehcatl Nine (better known as the Ixali). A group of Ixali who don’t believe in worshipping Garuda, but instead searching for a way to get back into Ayatlan, a floating paradise high up in the sky… And their home.
Over the course of the quests you help build components for their airship, making it a unique Beast tribe… Seeing as the quests were meant to be completed on Disciples of the Hand, rather than Battle Classes/Jobs.
I was very happy to see the happy ending here, which mostly constitutes of the airship you helped build doing a succesful test flight.

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After I completed this tribe, I picked up a new questchain (SPOILERS AHEAD) that would send back to all the old beast tribes. At first I had to return Little Solace and the Sylphs, where they had me steal back a batch of podlings that were kidnapped from their camp. While surveying the Sylphlands I encounter a mysterious lady called Sylvie, who tells me the podlings were kidnapped as part of a bigger, darker plot… And then she heads off to La Noscea.
After that I paid a visit to the Sapsa Spawning Grounds and the Sagahin, where the youngest of Novv’s clutch has been kidnapped by a mysteriously masked Miqo’te… Who then almost murders Novv!
Going out on a short sidenote here, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Sahagin. The story of their Beast Tribe is about protecting family most of all, and in this questchain Novv tells you you are like a daughter to him, not only that, his only and strongest daughter. It really struck a chord with me and reminds me how Square Enix has absolute gems of story in their game.


Our story continues with Sylvie showing up in Aleport, telling me she is after the same masked Miqo’te that I just encountered. Apparently he is known as the Ebon Claw. She sents me to Baderon in the Drowning Wench, who starts the next part of the chain which sends me to the Kobolds of the 789th Order in Outer la Noscea. Where entire scores of Kobolds have been disappearing.
(How do you kidnap so many at once, really!)
Our friend Sylvie is at the scene and gets wounded by the mysterious “Ebon Claw”. She tells us the Ixali are the next target, so I hurry to Ehcatl Nine, hoping to get answers there.
The Ebon Claw raided a party of Ixali near Hyrstmill and luckily for us, a part of his airship fell off and I could take it back for identification. Which then sends me to Ul’dah where I encounter an Amal’jaa from the Ashen Brotherhood frantically running around in the city, who tells me the Ebon Claw stole mere hatchlings away from the encampment in Southern Thanalan. After a brief talk with the Warleader, and (involuntarily) recruiting Loonh Gah the Miqo’te to my search for the Ebon Claw, Sylvie introduces me to the chairmain of the organization she works for: The Ashcrown Consortium. It has been dealing with friendly beast tribes forever and wants to put an end to the kidnappings.

For the last leg of the quest I have a few friends that help me track down the Ebon Claw and the organization he works for: The Laughing Alchemists. After running around all over the city talking to various people it’s time to for the encounter with the Ebon Claw, who confirms earlier suspicions that the head of the Laughing Alchemists, Memeriga, has been kidnapping the beast tribe younglings to turn them into an undead army! Sylvie turns out to be Silbexio, a Sylph who escaped death by the Ebon Claw before.
A final battle ensues in the Invisible City in Eastern Thanalan. We save the day, blow up Memeriga’s cauldron with zombie mixture and kill the Ebon Claw and put a stop to all the Beast tribe abductions once and for all. Beast tribes unite!
A lot more details happen in the quest obviously, but you really need to play through it yourself to fully grasp the story.

So yeah, that was my Saturday evening! That last Beast tribe chain quest was quite a monster and took me about 2 hours to complete. In the end I managed to get an achievement and I unlocked additional wares to buy from all the old Beast tribes, including pets. So my collector’s heart is at ease.
Oh, I also managed to obtain my Lore tome chest for Ninja… Doesn’t it look pretty?


The Bard is 60!

After dinging 58 this week on my Bard I got my ass in gear and picked up the Bard quest where I left it and landed at Moghome. Curious to see the ending to the search for the Ballad of Oblivion I pushed my Bard hard this week… And managed to ding 60 tonight!

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After I dinged I set out to complete the level 60 Bard quest. Where we were pitted against a harpy (of course).


And where Guydelot comes to “save the day”, telling us instead of looking for the Ballad of Oblivion, we should write our own about how we killed this particular wretch.
Needless to say, she didn’t like us much.


After all of it I finally got my last Bard skill: Sidewinder. And the achievement for completing the level 60 Bard quest!

This is now my third class to level 60 and so far I have to say I’m a bit disappointed in the route Square Enix has decided to take on Bard. They effectively turned them into casters, basically “forcing” us to use Wanderer’s Minuet when we are able to stand still on a fight. Although I’m sure I can get used to this new type of gameplay (switching in and out of WM according to fight needs), I’m not too keen on having my mobility taken away on a hunter type character. I’ve always loved the hunter/archer archetype and I feel like I’ve become some sort of melee mage now. Nevertheless I kind of enjoyed the Bard story to 60, my search for a non-existing song and the five new abilities I have gotten.

Also I totally need to show off the Dravanian Set of Aiming, which are dungeon drop items from the new Ex-Roulette dungeons: Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) and The Antitower. Don’t I look absolutely amazing with my hat?


Ninja Esoterics and Pokémon Again


For me there was a very nice surprise yesterday with the announcement of a new installment in the Pokémon series. I’ve been a huge fan of Pokémon ever since I was about nine or ten years old, my very first Gameboy game was Pokémon Blue, and I have had atleast one game of every generation bar Black and White 2. I haven’t seen much of the hype surrounding these new titles yet, apart from that there will be more Pokémon added again and that it will come out around December of this year. I guess we’ll see various snippets of information starting to show up soon so I will definately keep an eye out for any information that Nintendo is releasing.

To tie in with the announcement of a new series of Pokémon, today is also the day Nintendo released Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow as virtual console games for the 3DS. Being a huge fan of the original games, and eternally sad that my cardridges have died, I see this as an opportunity to get my hands on some of my old beloved games again. So I headed out to the shops today and bought a Nintendo E-shop card with enough funds to buy one game. Now I just have to make the choice of which game I actually want.
My first ever Pokémon game was Blue and that’s also the one game I almost “finished”. I had defeated every trainer and caught 146 out of 150 original Pokémon. I got Red and Yellow not that long after and even though I have always had fun playing, I never got as invested as I did in Blue (and later Silver). So for me it’s the choice of picking up Blue again and relive my nostalgia, picking Red which is, in theory, the same game but with different Pokémon to obtain OR pick Yellow where I know I will get not only Pikachu but also all original starter Pokémon guaranteed.
I haven’t decided yet, I think I’ll sleep on it for a night and then decide which one I want. One of the few things that will apparently be a feature is that you can send the Pokémon you get from these original games to the Pokébank and then from there transfer them to Sun and Moon when it comes out. Apparently there won’t be a way to send them to X/Y and ORAS, which is kind of sad, but hey.


Gearing the Classes
Patch 3.2 launched this Tuesday and I’ve spent the majority of my time after work poking around on FFXIV. Seeing that Esoterics gear has become dirt cheap now, I more or less decked out my Ninja completely in ilvl 200 gear with Void Ark pants. She looks awesome now and I almost feel sad I will change this look for the Lore gear. I will probably hang on to it and use it as Glamour if I want to.
I think this week I will finally be able to reach tome cap and I will have dinged my Astrologian level 50 aswell. Now that you can queue up with friends for level roulette I’ve been teaming up with ingame people a bit more and levelling has been very smooth.
I’ve unlocked almost all new content that 3.2 has had to offer, and only really need to stick my nose into the new Alexander wings and the Sephirot fight, but I’m sure I’ll get to do that at some point this weekend or the coming week.
For now I’m just happily running atleast my Expert and Level roulette every day, while also doing the new Vath beast tribe dailies. It’s all I was able to do on work days really, since my game time is short and I was tired.

Seeing Stars and Picking Pokémon

It’s been another very busy week at work for me. We are seriously swamped with new articles and changes to existing ones. I’ve been trying to not be too tired when I get home but it’s hard. I barely have enough energy to stay up and game, let alone blog about gaming, so sorry about the silence. I feel like I’m adapting to my work pace more though, since I’m not immediatly falling asleep as I get home and I actually get some stuff done ingame. Something that I’ve been trying to do for a while.


FFXIV Adventures
I’ve been slowly pushing through my Astrologian quests, finishing the level 45 one this weekend. I’m still getting chased by bandits and the intrigues are getting deeper. It seems the Ishgardian Astrologians are not happy with the Sharlayan type of Astrology and I fear poor Jannequinard will pay the price. Although I still don’t trust him and still think he’s somehow involved with the assassination attempts on Lady Leveva. Anyway I opened the fifth heaven’s gate somewhere in Mor’Dhona and got another very pretty picture of “the Ewer”. Flowing water which, as a card, replenishes your mana so I guess it’s very fitting.


With the patch coming up I’m very excited to start grinding the new tome gear. For Ninja it’s a Leviathan inspired look which looks extremely cool and I can’t wait to wear it. With me running more dungeons I would also get my relic items faster, so it’s a win/win situation overall. I’m currently on 31/80 items, so almost half way done!
Next to that I’ve been poking around on Cactuar again, leveling my Warrior and just taking a break from all the grinding on Moogle. The only downside from playing on Cactuar is that my game times are totally different from all the US folks and I only really see people online in the weekends, so that’s a bit sucky, but well. For now I want to keep focusing on my Moogle character (Sandrian) and switch to Sarella when I’m a bit tired of all the grinding for some lazy Warrior levelling and dungeon giggles. I love being a tank and especially a tank that can also pull some decent DPS numbers. I like setting the pace in a dungeon and not feeling like I have to wait for someone to pull. I just hope that I get healers who can keep me up while I run through dungeons like a madwoman.

Pokémon Plans
I’ve been poking around in Pokémon a lot again. Mostly playing Pokémon X, but I really want to continue Alpha Sapphire aswell. I had a conversation with one of my little cousins today about Pokémon games in general and how many event stuff I actually have, and I have decided to look into Poké Bank and Poké Transporter to be able to get my old event Pokémon onto my newer games. I have a lot of shinies that you can’t otherwise get and I really want to be able to use those in some of my newer games. Especially considering my cardridges are getting old and I don’t want to lose those Pokémon forever.
I will probably look into it when I have a bit more time off next week or so and slowly being the process of weeding through all my old Pokémon and decide which ones I want to bring over. I think it will mostly be the Shiny event Pokémon I have. But I also want to save a few of the other old rare Pokémon I have like Celebi, Jirachi, Mew and Victini.  I’m also looking forward to the re-release of Pokémon Blue, Red and Yellow as virtual console games for the 3DS. I will probably buy Blue, just because it was my first Pokémon game ever and I have major nostalgia. That said, I’m not actually sure I have the time for all this and if I have to make a choice of what I want to do right now it’s probably finish off Pokémon X. So I will focus on that and then see what else there is out there.

Astrologian Adventures

I delved into the Astrologian storyline today. Although I picked up the class fairly early after the launch of Heavensward I never really did decide to level it… Untill now.
Healer wise, Astrologian is a lot of fun. It combines the best of the direct healing from White Mage and adds an interesting twist to the mix in the form of buff cards. I know there is also a Shield or Regen stance (I only unlocked the Regen stance for now) which gives you even more options to play the way you like.

The gist of the Astrologian quests is quite simple. After you rescue Lady Leveva and her grandfather, you are the new super Astrologian that the cards had foretold. From there on your journey begins to open “gates” in the heavens. In the level 40 quest you open the 4th gate: The Arrow.

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But not everything is as easy as it looks. Lady Leveva is being chased by bandits, whose motives are unknown. Meanwhile you have to deal with Jannequinard, a fellow Astrologian who seems to be busier with sucking up to the elite in Ishgard and living a comfortable life, than actually practising his Astrologian skills. I don’t like this figure. The game is making a very big effort to make it seem that he is involved somehow with the attacks on Lady Leveva. I’m pretty sure he is behind them anyway, mostly because he is seen as an incompetent Astrologian and probably feels that his luxury life is threatened.

All in all the quests aren’t too hard and I do like what Square Enix has done with the questline. The representations of the different cards you use (which correspond to the six gates in the heavens) are all very pretty and I’m quite curious how things will go from here. Next quest is only on level 45 though, so I still have a few levels to go (sitting on 41 right now).

Valentine oh Valentine
Unfortunately I’m sad and single and didn’t get to celebrate Valentine’s day. I spent most of the day just doing chores around the house and gaming a bit. Although I feel like the day is very commercialized, it just reminds me that I’ve been single again for a while, and I do miss someone to share my life with. Although I’m not really actively searching for a partner… I just mostly miss the cuddles right now.
I succesfully completed the Valentione event in FFXIV on both my Moogle and Cactuar characters atleast, so that’s a thing. I found the rewards to be a bit lackluster this year. Not counting the furniture you need to buy it’s only two types of earrings and a hat.

For now though I have a really busy week to look ahead to at work, so I need to get my sleep schedule down to not feel like a zombie. I hope I can get some game time in, but I foresee atleast one day where I’ll just be too tired to do anything… Let’s hope it won’t disturb my daily routines too much.

Player Decency

As I logged onto World of Warcraft today, I was poked by someone who I had played with in Cataclysm. This particular Resto Druid was once one of our core members, but he quit WoW to focus on his girlfriend and his studies on university and I haven’t really seen him back online, untill about two to three months ago.
He wanted to raid with us, but unfortunately he came in around the time we cleared Heroic Archimonde and basically stopped raiding… And let the guild die altogether. Everytime I would log onto my account for my Garrison stuff I would see him online and would feel guilty about him coming back to a dead guild. There was not much I could do about it though, I have tried to keep this particular guild alive for a very long time by myself and can just not invest more time in it without completely burning myself out.

So anyway, our Druid poked me and told me he was thinking about leaving the guild to join another guild which was made up of his IRL friends. I was kind of surprised he had waited that long, but as he explained he felt like he wanted to share it with me and our guildmaster before actually departing. He thanked us for the fun times in Cataclysm and we exchanged ID’s before wishing him the best in his new guild and him departing.
It has been a very long time since I saw someone actually be so polite and nice when leaving the guild. Most people nowadays leave their guilds or clans without a word at all, or leave bitter with a post of resentment. To have someone be friendly and thankful for the fun times the guild has brought him honestly feels like a breath of fresh air. I know not everyone in the World of Warcraft community is toxic, and that there are enough decent players out there. But to finally experience one of them again has been amazing and I’m truly sorry I couldn’t provide him with a better experience in the guild than I had done.

In turn this has gotten me thinking about my own behaviours in MMO’s. In World of Warcraft, and FFXIV for that matter, I’ve become such a veteran that running any dungeon has become routine. I only say hi at the start and then continue to run the dungeon in silence untill the end. I don’t really get involved with community/server driven stuff anymore and I don’t really organize much myself. This is partly because I don’t have the time to do it but I guess the biggest reason is that I feel I don’t really have anything to offer. In WoW the content lull is kind of big, and seeing as I main DPS again it’s very hard to find/make groups for stuff, especially if your friends aren’t around anymore. In FFXIV all of my high level/max level classes are DPS. I haven’t really pushed myself to level a tank or a healer and I really want to, so I’ve been steadily leveling my Astrologian so that I may take part in stuff easier and quicker. On Cactuar I have decided to level my Warrior so I can provide my Free Company there (Greysky Armada) with someone who can tank content for them, but also so that it may be easier to organize stuff on my own.
I’m also trying to be more chatty ingame. I notice that if I’m focused I barely talk and sometimes feel like I’m in an FC just for being in an FC. I know that FFXIV has it’s content lull aswell and people are a bit bored by it, but socializing can be done anytime, with or without content and I want to try my best to do this more and better.

So instead of hoping to be more active online, I hope to be more engaged online, be more social and make stuff happen more. That’s eventually what MMO’s are about no?

Work Work

Work has been terribly busy this last week. I’ve wanted to blog a bit sooner, but after I got home I was just too tired to do anything but either mindless gaming or heading to bed. We’ve been really overwhelmed with stuff to do and ever since we had a teamday on Friday there has been some friction between colleagues.
I won’t go into details but there’s one woman who I just don’t get along with and tensions rose quite high yesterday… That I have never been so relieved to have  the day off today. I really have issues working with her, especially on days where it is extremely busy and yesterday was more or less a culmination of well, everything.

Thyrus Zenith

Today though has been a really nice day so far. I’ve gone back and forth to the dentist, did some groceries with my dad and then proceeded to plant my ass infont of my PC (after starting a laundry) figuring out what I want to do first.  The only real downside is that I feel extremely cold. The weather has been odd here over the past weeks, Dutch climate sucks, so I’ve been cold often and today is one of those days. So I’m wrapped up in a big vest, comfy pants and a blanket. I feel like a burrito… But at least I’m sort of warm.

On the gaming front it has been uneventful the past few days. I’ve mostly been logging into FFXIV to do my roulettes and get my beast tribe dailies done, all working towards advancing my Dragoon relic. I’ve been partying up with a friend of mine a lot and we had a few good laughs while tackling the dungeons together.
Levelling up classes has gone by  mostly unnoticed. My Astrologian dinged 40 yesterday and my Bard dinged 57 today, so I’m slowly but steadily working towards my Gaming Goals for FFXIV. I also managed to grab my White Mage 2.0 Relic (Thyrus) so I only have three of those left to do.
For the rest I have decided to cancel my WoW subscription for a while. I’ve only been logging in to do some Garrison missions every day and then log back out again… It’s not really something worth paying money for. So my sub will end the first of March and I don’t think I’ll renew it untill I know what the release date for Legion is. I hope Blizzard can push it out sooner, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we didn’t see the new expansion untill September.

With me dropping WoW, I hope to have more time for my other games, mostly Heroes of the Storm, but also a lot of the single-player games I have lying around that I still want to finish. I’ve really gotten back into Pokémon X again and I’m picking up a special anniversary Mew tomorrow for both my Pokémon X and Alpha Sapphire, so I’m really happy about that.  I just hope I can stick to the game for once and actually play through it properly… Instead of giving up somewhere past the second gym.